Sunday, May 21, 2017

A Remembrance of Gardens Past – Spring

When I turned 50 a friend gave me a garden journal with quotes and poetry and space to write in. I used that journal from 1998 to 2007. I wrote a lot each season in the early years and then was skimpier over time. Here follow a few of my entries from springs through the years.

March 20, 1998

I have decided to plant at least I rose this spring. Haven’t decided between a Fairy Rose in a pot or some shrub roses – David Thompson, Cuthbert Grant, Hansa, Prairie Dawn – in front of my vegetable garden. (Note: I have currently 3 rose bushes – Hansa, Henry Hudson, and Bill Reid).

May 16, 1998

Have done a little bit more at the back to begin the decline of lawn. Put in a couple of meadow sweet (tall, white) against the back corner of the west fence. I moved the peonies up so they are in front – took out grass and weeds.

April 8, 1999

Have started by raking leaves, filling up the compost. If it doesn’t snow I will rake more leaves tomorrow and maybe even cut grass. (Note: I compost leaves every year.)

May 2, 1999

I like the physical work of gardening.

April 11, 2000

Next year I start my bedding plants a month later – Feb. 1. The tomato plants are getting huge and it will be more than a month before I can plant them outside. (Note: Haven’t grown my own bedding plants for a few years.)

May 28, 2000

White anemone blooming, also a pink tulip. Had a deep purple red recently. I’ve planted annuals at the back – white alyssum near the garage and lobelia (blue) near the house. It’s been a cool spring. Soon I may be able to cook some rhubarb.

April 20, 2001

Planted sweet peas outside on the 14th. Today I planted a row each of spinach, carrots and lettuce. (Note: These were all seeds.)

May 23, 2001

Just to note, the dwarf lilac (syringa vulgaris) I planted this month is called Prairie Petite. Prune dead or broken branches in spring and other that (prune) right after blooming.

March 3, 2002

Dreamt last night that I had tomatoes and peppers really early in the season in my garden. There was a funny friendly beige and white striped (like a sweater in horizontal bands) rodent living in my garden.

May 6, 2002

Carrots, lettuce, arugula.

May 6, 2003

It looks as if my clematis vine is coming up. I was worried that it had died in that shady spot by the back fence. (Note: My clematis has been thriving in that spot for many years.)

May 29, 2003

Siberian Iris blooming. The anemone sylvestris and pulsatilla have been blooming for a while.

April 19, 2004

A beautiful warm sunny day, though windy, and cumulous clouds. Tulipa tarda coming up. (Note: This is a lovely small yellow perennial tulip that spreads and survives.)

April 20, 2005

Rhubarb just popping up. Strawberry plants, of course, as always greening early.

April 15, 2007

Little yellow crocuses coming up. Raked snow mold – lots – first I can remember here.

May 16, 2017

Through the years I’ve changed my front and back yards, taken out sod, added more perennials, tried different vegetables (I have a small herb and salad garden). Each spring I’m anxious to get out into my yard, see what’s coming up, decide what to rearrange or change. I have a small lot and a small house, but I love to create in the outdoors as much as I love to create with my writing.