Thursday, August 30, 2018


I usually try to post a blog one Sunday a month. This month things got away from me so I’m posting on a different day – the month is almost over and there’s no Sundays left.

It’s been an up and down summer – very hot for long periods of time, lots of smoke from British Columbia wildfires in the air. I am grateful for cooler days, rain, and clearer skies.

More recently my right wrist became swollen and very painful. Over the counter pain meds helped, and I had it checked by a doctor. It seems fine now, but it brought home to me how exhausting pain can be and how difficult life can be when a right arm, which is my main one, is virtually useless. One can adapt of course, but it’s not easy. I am grateful for the pain meds and our medical system.

My car died and thankfully I have CAA and they came through for me, and my regular garage when phoned, said they’d take my car whenever I got it there. It’s due to be fixed and back to me today. I am grateful for services like these, friendly and helpful people.

Getting older has its challenges, though I’ve been pretty healthy and able to be active for the most part. As house and car get older, they too need attention and that takes money, but luckily I’ve managed to squeeze out what I need.  I want to continue to find the positives, be grateful for what I have and the benefits of living in this country.

Fall is coming – a season of colour, cooler weather, fewer insects, a time of harvest, and time for reconnecting with friends.