Sunday, December 19, 2021

December Diary

Most days are ordinary and unexciting; that’s everyday life.

1 – This is the day I usually put the lights on my two outdoor cedars by my front door, and I did it again this year. I’ve developed my own Christmas traditions as well as keeping some from my childhood.

2 – A dental cleaning and exam. The hygienist I currently have is not as gentle as the ones I had before. She sometimes hurts, which others didn’t, and this time my gums bled after I got home and brushed them. I haven’t said anything to her, and I don’t know her name. Still, perhaps I should call the office and ask for a different hygienist for my summer cleaning. Though when I did some research online, most dentists seemed to say it wasn’t unusual to have slight pain and bleeding if the hygienist did a thorough job. I wonder if that means my previous hygienists didn’t do a good job.

It began to snow as I walked home from downtown – flakes kept getting bigger and fluffier. We’ve had a break from cold weather and snow; this is probably the onset of real winter.

I also put up my Advent calendar and village scene on top of the piano. With the Christmas tree, I’ll wait as usual.

3 – Today was a vacuuming and floor washing day as well as laundry.

4 – Got my Covid booster shot.

6 – Quiet couple of days, colder weather. Have had a stiff and sore arm from the Covid shot, but no other side effects. Despite the cold, I did go for a short walk to and from the drugstore today.

7 – Dental appointment to get a small filling done; it wasn’t bad.

9 – The weather improved, and I went for a lovely walk and talk with a friend. We are lucky to have the river and all the trails along it.

11 – I drove out to Elrose to see Mom and be there for the Christmas party. They had their usual pair to play Christmas carols and it was nice to join in some of the singing. Mom had her eyes closed but at times seemed to move with the music. After Santa came to distribute gifts, we had goodies. I fed Mom her pudding and helped her drink her punch. After that, I took her to her room for a while, and she opened her eyes, staring out the window. Since she doesn’t communicate anymore verbally, it was hard to know what she was seeing.

16 – Birthday of one of my brothers. I’d sent him a card earlier, but also sent him a text on the day.

17 – Walked to Hues Art Supply on Lorne Avenue. I love this shop and it’s also conveniently located to my house. This day, all I bought was 4 gel pens with white ink. I love these for doing zentangles on black paper.

18 – Had a distanced, masked visit with friends in their house.

19 – A video interview with Sask. German Council to talk about the Frankfurt Book Fair, the popularity of Canadian books in Germany, and one of my own books.

The rest of the month – I’ll be cooking a turkey for Christmas, which I haven’t done for quite a few years, though I have on occasion rolled a turkey breast with dressing and baked that, or cooked turkey fillets. It will be a quiet Christmas, though I hope to Skype with my son and grandson. New Years, too will be quiet, though I do have some Grand Marnier to celebrate.

Happy celebrations, everyone!