At this stage in my life I’m fairly satisfied. I have time to do the things I want along with family and friends to do them with, or the comfort with myself to do it solitarily. I’ve got a bit of money that comes in regularly which allows me to cover the basics, and work arrives on my doorstep periodically – this allows me to pay for some of the extra stuff. I have an exercise routine – long walks and yoga – that I enjoy and that keeps me fit. I read voraciously and occasionally watch a movie. Now and then I volunteer and when I can I make some charitable donations. Maybe it doesn’t sound like a very exciting life, but it suits me for now. I think we each need to strive for the life we want at whatever stage (and needs and wants do change).
I’m not perfect, so I’m working on improving some of my relationships. I don’t always eat as well as I should so I remind myself of this now and then. I like to learn and do new things so periodically I will take a class or join a new organization. Gloomy weather gets me down, and there’s not much I can do about that, but it’s good to know sunshine returns eventually.I know how lucky I am to live in this country, which, though it has its problems, is pretty amazing none the less. I’ve worked hard a lot of my life not only to ‘make a living’ as they say, but also to learn about myself, what fits for me and what doesn’t, and how to get along with other people. The learning never has to end.
Over the years I’ve had some stories published in magazines and anthologies, as well as broadcast over radio. However, I haven’t been satisfied with the lack of progress in getting a book published through conventional channels – I’ve been trying this for a number of years. So for 2012 I’m going to self publish one to three books and see where that takes me. I’ve already started getting a couple of short story collections ready for this publication venture. Again I am learning and expect to continue to learn a lot.Besides, 2012 is the Chinese Year of the Dragon and that’s supposed to be a good one for us Rats!
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