When I turned sixty-five this year, I received Old Age
Security, which helps to supplement my CPP and work pension (neither of which
is huge), so that I can live a little more comfortably. Provincial and
interprovincial bus lines give discounts for people from the age of 60 on. I
got notice of the provincial drug prescription plan, which keeps fees
affordable (though at this point, luckily, I don’t have regular medications to
I had to do some paperwork for my aging parents and found
helpful people in the community where they live. Also good on-line resources
provincially and federally.
I got a mobile phone for the first time last fall and have
found it extremely useful, particularly when out of town. Recently I was able
to book home care for a sick family member from a distance. Also was able to
extend a book renewal at the library for a few days so that I could pick it up
when I got home from a trip.
I’m grateful for friends, neighbours, and family, both on
social media and face to face – we share joys and sorrows, support and sustain
each other.
Throughout my life I’ve had opportunities to do interesting
and useful work, meet new people, learn, travel.
If this all sounds a bit too Pollyanna-ish (the book Pollyanna
is actually not bad), it’s not meant to be that. I just wanted to remind myself
and others that joy comes from appreciation of the small miracles that happen
every day or week. Even in the midst of gloom, if you look for it, you may find
a crocus just popping through the snow, see the pelicans arrive, or notice a
lone butterfly – a harbinger of spring.
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