Saturday, July 16, 2022

Summer of Renewal

It’s July and I recently realized that I didn’t write in June. A lot of things happened in the last several weeks, as you can read in my last blog, and the challenges aren’t over. I’ve decided though, to call this my summer of renewal rather than the summer of problems.

The water leak will eventually result in a new non lead water line.

The aging computers (laptop and notebook) have already resulted in a new iPad, which I’m liking very much. And the laptop has been fixed for now and hopefully it, too, will be replaced in due time. I’ve made progress with the screw ups for my book production caused by rebooting the laptop and should have another book out before the end of the year.

Both my eyes have had the cataracts removed and that whole process (healing and new glasses prescription) should end in August. Already my distance vision without glasses is better.

My ash tree will hopefully get pruned back from power lines and the roof of my house.

More recently my fridge, which is a bar fridge, died and luckily I had an older bar fridge in my basement which still works, though the plastic door on the tiny freezer in it is slightly broken, and now held together with duct tape. I’ve picked out a somewhat larger fridge, but still not full size. I’m a single person and don’t need a humungous fridge since I also have a small chest freezer. So soon I will order that new fridge.

The summer isn’t over yet so who knows what other renewals will occur.

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